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Colorify Premium and Elegant Blogger Template Free Download 2021

Are you searching for a modern and professional blogger template? Colorify is the best choice for you. In this article, we will discuss how to use the colorify blogger template, and what are features of colorify are. 

Overview of Colorify

Colorify blogger template is the modern-looking responsive and tech blogger template design by template website. Colorify provides various features such as a full-width hero section, features posts, one-click dark mode, author about the box, and more. 


This template is useful for Google Adsense and other ad networks. It provides various blogger ads sections in the article top and bottom section. As a building features you can easily customize all the widgets on your website. 

Features of Colorify 

Let discuss some coolest features of this template. You can also see the online documentation for more information about this template. 

Elegant and Modern

In my opinion, this template provides a modern-looking elegant layout and element. The perfect combination of fonts, color, and layout helps to make this template elegant. You can easily change the hero posts section and add another popular post you like. It provides other most essential elements such as features section, subscribes newsletter, and 3 columns blog posts. 

Fast loading

This is also fast-loading blogger templates as any devices like mobile, desktop, and tablets. The size of the HTML code is very lite weight and less than 100KB. So, this type of file size helps increase the performance and speed of your website. 

SEO Optimized

SEO helps to rank your website in search engines like Google and yahoo. Many bloggers don't know about some important SEO meta tags or schema data. But, these templates use almost all user data on your website. 

Note: As a blogger, you need you known about this important metaData like Title tags, meta description, meta keyword, conical tags, meta color, apple-touch-icon, Facebook open graph, and Twitter card, etc. 

Fully customizable

Like other features, these templates provide all blogger sections, a widget that helps to edit your widget element easily. CSS variable and root element help you to customize all your website color, fonts, width, and element of your website. You can easily edit all header links, items, and titles of your website. 

Hello everyone, my name is Chetmaan Tandan. I am a Full-Time web developer and designer. Follow this blog because I share useful tips and resources.

5 تعليقات

  1. Hello
  2. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JVWm5d_eDIE/YWZdo1aOt3I/AAAAAAAAFJU/c0sXMzy88PcvEF7nHKX0G_QyvKh-PBHXACK4BGAYYCw/s35/photo.png
  3. dfs
  4. WOWO
  5. .css{hello}